The Auckland Group of the IFE is the longest continuously serving Group of the NZ Branch of the IFE. Firmly established in 1986 with aims to “Foster and support the IFE in it’s Mission … within the structure of the group”. The Group’s objective is fully Constituted and falls inside the NZ Branch ideals.
Auckland Members take part in Field Trips, mini-seminars, assist with annual Conference and provide study groups for candidates sitting examinations. A facebook page dedicated to Auckland Group members circulates latest news, advance notice of meetings, examinations and field trips and provides a forum for members to exchange ideas and assists with preparing for forthcoming exams.
Auckland Group Constitution
Mark Probert-Southam –
The Wellington group was formed to encourage Fire Engineers as well as Fire Service personnel in the Wellington region to join their local IFE group and enjoy the many benefits the IFE has to offer.
- Ongoing education in your chosen field
- Field days, with groups of like-minded people attending important (and hard to access) locations in the region.
- Support with IFE Examinations, membership and professional development.
If you are already a member of IFE, why not contact the local Group committee and get involved with IFE in Wellington?
Jason Hill (President) –
Here in Canterbury we are a very active group and our main focus is on support for local members, especially in regards those studying for IFE Examinations or other studies in the Fire Engineering Field. To this end we have a local library of IFE books and reference material available as well as access to the engineering library at Canterbury University – where they have an excellent post grad Fire Engineering Programme.
Our committee is varied with members from the education sector, business sector and Fire Service. WE also try to run seminars and events through the year as part of our groups activities. At this time we have no additional charge to be a member of our group but you must be a financial member of IFE NZ in the Canterbury region to qualify.
Over the last few years, since the earthquakes that have devastated Christchurch, our local group has been fairly quiet with running larger activities. However we are gaining some new momentum and getting back to doing more in our little area of the IFE NZ Branch. Throughout this hard time we have still supported the main annual conferences and have always had a healthy number of members attend these events. We have still managed to keep up with seminars through the Canterbury University to support the interest of our members. Like everyone in the Canterbury region now is the time we can really start looking forward as a group with the rebuild and life getting back into our fractured city.
Peter McGrail –
Otago / Southland
The Otago/Southland Group of the IFE is the newest group of the NZ Branch of the IFE.
Established in 2014 with aims to “Promote, encourage and improve the science and practice of fire extinction, fire prevention and fire engineering”, the Group’s objective is fully Constituted and falls inside the NZ Branch ideals.
Otago / Southland members will be taking part in a wide range of educational field trips, hosting seminars, providing study groups and mentors for candidates sitting examinations and assisting candidates with Individual Case Procedure to recognise prior learning .
Scott Lanauze –
The Institution of Fire Engineers – Te Whare Wānanga o Kaipūkaha Ahi
Enhance fire safety knowledge – Whakapakarihia te matauranga haumaru ahi