Career Development
Here in New Zealand, Engineering NZ does not recognise the step between Engineering Technician and Chartered Engineer, yet you may be an intermediate practicing fire engineer.
Why become registered as an Incorporated Engineer?
The letters ‘IEng’ after your name mark you out as a key member of the fire engineering profession whose work is critical to your employer’s performance and efficiency. Incorporated Engineers command respect and they perform vital roles in every sector of industry, their responsibilities ranging from engineering design, manufacture and construction to system operation, maintenance and commissioning. Take a look at the IEng eBook.
The academic requirements require you to hold one of the following:
- An accredited bachelor’s degree or honours degree in engineering; or
- A relevant higher national certificate or diploma or a foundation degree, plus further learning to bachelors level
By accredited they mean that it must have been registered with the UK Engineering Council as having fulfilled the requirements for CEng level. You can check your courses by following this link:
If you have a higher national qualification or foundation degree but no bachelors, there are different ways in which you can meet the requirements.
All is not lost if your courses are not registered. If you do not meet the standard academic requirement, you will be required to submit a copy of your degree(s) course module list/transcript, plus a synopsis or abstract for any projects or dissertations that formed part of your degree(s).
Additionally, you may have to participate in an academic interview.
Other requirements include:
- Two Chartered or Incorporated Engineer referees, with knowledge of your professional involvement in fire engineering.
- The submission of a Professional Review Reportshowing how you have met the IPD Objectives for IEng.
In addition, please read the following documents before making your application:
As part of the application process you will need to enclose validated certificates of your degree(s), your Professional Review Report and your application fee.
Once your application has been submitted, referees will be contacted; the content and your Professional Review Report will be assessed by two professional reviewers (both CEng or IEng fire engineers). There findings will then be reported to the monthly meeting of the Institution of Fire Engineers Registrants Group Membership Committee (IFERG MC), who will consider your application.
If successful, you will then be invited to attend a professional interview (done in NZ). In addition, if the academic requirements were not met, then an invitation to an academic interview will also be issued. At these interviews you would be interviewed by two members of the IFERG MC (both CEng or IEng fire engineers).
If the interview(s) are successful then the IFERG MC will recommend registration to the Engineering Council.
Interested? If you require any additional information or wish to request an application form, contact us