The Institution of Fire Engineers is committed to embracing partnerships with a broad variety of like minded organisations.
The benefits of partnering with the Institution of Fire Engineers includes:
Association with the premier international organisation for fire professionals.
Profiling of your company as a major supporting organisation of the Institution of Fire Engineers New Zealand Branch.
Shared branding with IFE New Zealand and use of the IFE logo for the duration of the sponsorship period.
Networking opportunities with international IFE dignitaries, and executives from associated organisations.
Preferential advertising at all IFE NZ Branch seminars, and Continuing Professional Development events (CPD).
Links to and from IFE NZ Branch web site. Gold sponsor organisations will have their logos on our home page. All sponsors will have links to their sites.
Free listing on the Supporters of the IFE NZ Branch web page on the New Zealand Branch web site.
Complimentary copy of the IFE Fire Risk Management Journal and NZ Branch newsletter.
Complimentary wall plaque recognising their partnership with NZ Branch
Professional fire engineering qualification pathway for your staff, recognised worldwide.
The IFE is a licensed member of the Engineering Council (UK) and can register those members that meet the necessary criteria as Chartered Engineers (CEng), Incorporated Engineers (IEng) or Engineering Technicians (EngTech).
For more information on the benefits of forming a partnership with the New Zealand Branch of the Institution of Fire Engineers contact Branch President, Graeme Quensell.