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FENZ Library Services

Research tools for Fire and Emergency NZ IFE examination candidates   Many research tools are freely available to members of the FENZ community through the Knowledge & Insights team at National Headquarters.

Your One-Stop Research Shop

One of the tools available to FENZ personnel (career & volunteer) is a one-stop search portal:

You can search across our online library catalogue and our subscriber academic databases in one easy search.  This is called a Federated Search. It enables you to gather together a number of  good quality academic articles on your topic without having to search on many, separate databases.

And the quality of the information is much better than an open internet search!


To access this you need a log-in and password.  Contact us to set this up.

Take this link to our database to log-in:

Here is a step-by-step guide to using the Federated Search portal: Federated search – how to

For help, contact the Knowledge & Insights team, and get a talk-through on using this tool, and others.

Contact Knowledge & Insights

Email:  Ph: 0800 347 3542 (0800FIRELIB)

Past Papers

Past Papers and Examination Reports can be found here

We also recommend that you refer to the IFE UK website which provides essential examination information and references which should assist with study:
We have also been given access to online training courses specifically covering a number of IFE exam subjects. This has been completed not only for existing IFE members to update their knowledge but to assist anyone sitting the membership examinations. The following link will give you free access to this course. The IFE information should be available under a guest login.

Study Resources
Many of the required study resources are free to download and can be sourced from the IFE UK website. The IFE also has access to a number of reference materials in the form of hard copies, which can be sourced through the local groups. If you are struggling to source specific resources please get in contact, otherwise the following website can give you access to all the relevant examination study material including 22 e-learning modules:

For further enquiries contact Marcel Sanders .

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